CUETools Advanced Settings: Decoders

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Decoders tab

CUETools Adv Settings Decoders.png
Extension {drop-down list}
Audio file format extension for selected decoder.

External decoder options

Path {textbox}
Path to external decoder executable.
Enter decoder name (e.g. decoder.exe) or if editing an existing decoder, leave the decoder.exe 'as is' and copy the decoder.exe file (and any dependencies) to the CUETools program folder
Enter decoder name (e.g. decoder.exe) or if editing an existing decoder, leave the decoder.exe 'as is' and add full path to the location of the decoder.exe file to the system's %PATH% environment variable
Enter the full path (e.g. C:\TAK\takc.exe) if the file is located somewhere else.
Parameters {textbox}
Arguments for external decoder executable (please refer to the decoder's documentation for more info about usage parameters).. The required placeholder arguments used by CUETools for external decoders are:
%I = will be replaced by the input file name.
"-" (without the quotes) = stdout (standard output).
Name {textbox}
Name of the decoder.
Add.png (plus) {button}
Register a new external decoder. Alternate: Click any decoder name and press the Insert key on your keyboard to register a new external decoder.
Remove.png (minus) {button}
Remove selected external decoder. Alternate: Select the (*.exe executable) decoder and press the Delete key on your keyboard to remove an existing registered external decoder.